Everything You Never Wanted To Know About The Original I Spit On Your Grave

*This post has been flagged for adult content. Apparently this analysis of I Spit On Your Grave, like the film itself, is rated R for adults only. In 1978 Meir Zarchi released I Spit On Your Grave another in the line of rape-revenge films. A film that would have never been made without Last House on the Left , and Deliverance , but this time they centered on the rape and the revenge without any social context interweaved into the plot. The tagline for I Spit On Your Grave was: This woman has just chopped, crippled and mutilated four men beyond recognition... but no jury in America would ever convict her! The second title for the film read: Day of the Woman . This film shows the strength within womankind to stand up for themselves when they are mistreated. The main problem with I Spit On Your Grave as being a feminist piece is that Zarchi draws out the rape scene for way too long. The four men each get a separate chance to take advan...