
Showing posts from June, 2021

This Week In Film (6/21/2021 - 6/27/2021)

June 21, 2021 - June 27, 2021 In the span of one week we saw 3 classics prior to the Chattanooga Film Festival, then 14 festival features, and 5 virtual events. The virtual events included The Nights That Panicked America, Barkett The Moon, Transgressions For Everyone!, Fangoria Presents Mental Health and Horror, Welcome to the Final Girl Support Group, and One Man Show the music and madness of Nick Latsko. And then all the coverage for said films and events. It's been a long road but I love the idea of virtual film festivals. It looks as though, fests may be held as hybrid events in the future with a virtual component. Could you imagine that one day, some schmuck from Chicago with a weekly blog could write coverage for Cannes? Yeah, me neither. But that's not what I came here to tell you about... This Week In Film where I create a weekly rundown of the random sh*t I watch. Thereā€™s a HIGH / LOW at the end of this entry, so if words aren't really your thing, you can scroll q...

This Week In Film (6/14/21 - 6/20/21)

June 14, 2021 - June 20, 2021 Hello readers. For the last week we've been entertaining Katie's mom and niece. It was a six year old's first trip to... well anywhere without her mommy. She was a little homesick after the first night, but then she got to see Chicago. I love it when newbies to the city come into town. It gives you a chance to do all those over-priced and over-hyped tourist things you never want to do. We went to Navy Pier and took a boat tour. We rode the centennial wheel, shopped the shops in Water Tower, visited Cloud Gate (The Bean), the American Writers Museum, Lincoln Park Zoo, visited Wicker Park, Lincoln Square, ate hot dogs and deep dish pizza, and walked a lot. After all the tourism, it was riding the L through the loop that really captured the city. That moment right after you depart from Merchandise Mart and you're over the river... That's the city. That's Chicago's beauty. Skyscrapers along the river as far as the eye can see. Even ...

This Week In Film (5/31/21 - 6/13/21)

May 31, 2021 - June 13, 2021 Hello readers. There is something I canā€™t get out of my head. I know nothing of the New Mexico Sheriff trying to run for Mayor of Albuquerque. I donā€™t know his policies or anything about him personally. What I do know is that last Tuesday, during his speech on being tough on crime, a drone came toward him. This was no ordinary drone. A run-of-the-mill drone would have been terrifying or maybe it could have been part of recording the size of the crowd in attendance. No, this drone had a giant dildo attached to it. When I first read the headline, I thought about the dildo being made of firm plastic more like a vibrator and attached horizontally. I imagined it chasing the sheriff's mouth. Then I saw there was video of said dildo drone. It was even funnier than I imagined. It was a large jiggling penis hanging vertically from the drone. It was shaking in the air, eager to greet the Mayoral candidate. Nothing this last two weeks can top that image. Nothing...