This Week In Film (3/22/21 - 3/28/21)

March 22, 2021 - March 28, 2021 Hello readers. Chicago is one of those places where if it hits 45Ā° outside, people are in shorts and bikes invade the neighborhoods. I decided to venture out. I wanted to hit up one of the trendy areas, walk from one CTA stop to the next. In this stretch there's used book stores, nine independent coffee shops, an open-till-3am cookie dispensary, at least eight vintage clothing stores, another four to six vintage wares stores, used record shops, and any food you want. This could be any gentrified neighborhood in Chicago. My goal was to make it to the record shop where they have used Criterion Blu-Rays and head to the grocery store. My wife and our mutual friend accompanied us. I centered myself before stepping out the door. Repeated a little mantra about my generalized anxiety disorder, something like, "F*ck my life." Put my mask on (literally and figuratively) and out we went. It was way worse than I expected. Not only was all of Chicago o...